“Those who prey together stay together!”
So claims Green Chimneys, one of my favorite organizations.
And they should know! For 60 years, Green Chimneys (GC) has been a leader in animal-assisted therapy.
As part of their residential flourishment program, youth sent to Green Chimneys by New York City and State enjoy a hands-on brand of education where, among other things, they grow and sell organic produce, have a robust culinary arts program, tend rare breeds of barnyard animals and rehabilitate injured wildlife.
On Sunday, June 1, Green Chimneys students will help host a full day’s Birds of Prey festivities that will culminate with the freeing of a rehabilitated red-tailed hawk back to the wild.
If you can, please get yourself up Brewster way for Birds of Prey Day. And please join me in supporting GC at their 60th Anniversary Celebration on June 5 in NYC.
Meantime, a shout out to the magical Josephine Monter, whose eagle eyes are pictured above. She will be hosting mask-making workshops at Omega on July 13 - 18 and August 10 - 15.
THANKS to Green Chimneys, Josephine…and to all of you…for working wonders and for playing with us when you can.
Warmly and looking forward,
Wendy Dubit, aka Biodiesel Babe