In case it hadn't occurred to you already: We are the water!
And it's up to us to preserve and protect this increasingly rare, at-risk resource in all the educated, vigilant and enjoyable ways we can.
To learn the latest on a subject we know and love,
Amelia Amon and I treated ourselves to info-packed
World Water Day at the
American Museum of Natural History, where pamphlets and panels abounded about
The International Year of Sanitation.Earlier that week, a few of us from
The Producers' Project had been struck by
Andy Revkin's New York Times piece:
2.6 Billion With No Place to Go (to the Toilet).
We'd interviewed Andy for
The Evolving Ecology of New York -- a documentary that explored how much we had evolved and devolved since the days of
cholera epidemics and dead horses contaminating our drinking water...and that emphasized education as key to caring about, co-existing with, preserving and stewarding our natural resources.
TPP documentary,
Living with the River found students examining The Hudson River’s environmental health as well as its economic and social importance. Students determined the health of the Hudson through water quality testing, experimentations and identification of plant and animal species; studied and documented the river’s past, present, present and future; made environmental observations and recommendations; and interviewed experts from the
Department of Environmental Protection, the
Coalition for a Livable West Side,
Clearwater, the Hudson River Project and more.
We became increasingly aware of, involved with, responsible for and happy about what was happening in our own home waterways. But we were horrified to learn that an estimated 700,000 children a year die from preventable diseases and ailments because they lack clean water and adequate facilities.
Time spent studying our local waterways, flora, fauna, landscape and humanscape and interviewing experts from
The American Museum of Natural History,
The New York Historical Society,
The New York Botanic Gardens and the
The New York Times had led to a sense of our inter-connectedness -- personal and collective, local and global, environmental, economic and more.
"Even more so than we are what we eat," said one
TPP participant, "We are water. (Blood is 83% water.) And we are the world."
What are we doing to and for our water...and for the billions of people around the world who lack adequate access to it?
We're learning more, making plans, taking action, speaking out, doing what we can...and hoping you will join us!
Wendy DubitThe Renewables: Thinkable is Doable and
The Producers'Project: A New Lens on Learning